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Masks after 19th July

I am sure we all have got excited about the potential for removing our masks from 19th July. However covid is still very much with us. So can we really afford to ditch them? Well in certain circumstances it will most probably be fine. However when you are coming into close contact with someone then it is still not safe to do so. Yes many of us have had our vaccines. This however is not stopping people from catching and passing this on to other more vulnerable people. I for one would be horrified if I was the cause of someone's illness and potential death.

Over the last few days our industry leaders have been considering and discussing what the recommendations should be. To that end they recommend retaining masks. This means that you will be required to wear a mask on attending your appointments (unless you have an exemption).

You may ask "can you just relax it for me? I am fit and healthy and I don't like wearing it" . Our insurers will require us to follow best practice and our industry associations recommendations. You are wearing a mask to potect others, not yourself. I am in one of the vulnerable groups as are some of my other clients and will wear a mask to protect you. So I'm sorry they will be required.

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